I'd like to share my Walgreens Photo Center photos with you. Once you have checked out my photos you can order prints and upload your own photos to share.
Monday, May 17, 2010
DSC_0363 (1 photo), by Lauren Morehouse
I'd like to share my Walgreens Photo Center photos with you. Once you have checked out my photos you can order prints and upload your own photos to share.
Mercy was saying the "goodnight prayer" tonight. Among the typical, "bless Mommy and Daddy" was a very serious request. "Dear Jesus, pwease help Annabelle to stop crying when I take things from her" Can't blame a girl for trying I suppose.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Mercy is learning copious amounts of information as the days progress and she will happily inform you how she is related to certain family members (Nana is Daddy's mom, MeMe is Mommy's mom etc...). She is also found of learning people's whole names. If you were to ask her what her name is, she will most certainly give you her first middle and last. The most adorable thing is though, if you ask her what her sister's name is she will say, "Annabelle MoreGraceHouse"
Yes Lord, let this be a house full of grace.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Messy Party!
I've been dying to do this since Mercy was a wee little one. We had an absolute blast!
"Spray Painting"
This was full of noodles
Pudding was the biggest hit
What a fun party!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
She already knows how to work a crowd
I'm fairly certain this is a rendition of "Jesus Loves Me" and "I'm Bringing Home a Baby Bumblebee". Isn't it a blessed thing when kids are so comfortable in their church home?
Friday, July 17, 2009
In My Own Little Corner
I know what this looks like and I can assure you that I have not turned M into my little Cinderella slave girl (just ignore me typing in the background).
As I've been perusing the internet for preschool skills and activities I've been shying away from the letters/numbers/cutsie-wootsie stuff (that's right, I said cutsie wootsie) and leaning more towards the Montessori style of preschool activities. Mercy already knows her letters and letter sounds thanks to Leap Frog Letter Factory (you didn't hear that Dr. Montessori, I don't intend for my child's entire education to be via cartoons) but there are many skills and activities I would like M to master.
Montessori puts an emphasis on practical life skills and keeping one's environment. We found this vacuum at Wal-Mart for $15 and it has been proven as a perfect tool for Mercy to pitch in with! True Montessori uses a carpet sweeper, but Dr. Montessori left this earth before the invention of vacuums s I think this will pass!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
getting in shape
Putting this out there for some accountability. I recently weighed myself and the number was very similar to the number I was at when I delivered Mercy (read: 9 months pregnant). So, I'm doing something about it. Making some healthier choices and doing the wii fit every day. Kevin's doing the wii fit with me. I'll check in on occasion to tell you what's going on. Wish me luck!
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